Labels: First day sem two.My legs are aching. My feets are suffering. Still adapting to the pair of new shoes.
TODAY. First day, first lesson, FOM. I overslept :D HAHA, so expected of me. I got a feeling that i'll, and i really did! Then i sleep until 11plus haha. They say the FOM teacher until very strict and scary. Haix, hope it's a blessing in disguise. CRS was damn cui lar. Constantly discouraged by all of them! Sob!
Then went for Violin lesson! I stayed there for almost two hours! Haha, and i'm still very lousy. Haix. I got a shock when Niao saw me, haha cause she shouted. Mushroom and ahly sounds excited for wednesday! Poor Eleanor, if you was being neglected. Sorry sorry!! If you know them, you will understand how fun it is to crap with them :D
And then went to 768 to eat MAC with KeQi. Haha.
Labels: Foo May Cheng.
Tamago Foo May Cheng, a very bad person :D
Bad quality picture. But you get the main idea jiu hao. Haha. TAMAGO don't wanna accompany me go learn Dance, i'm not going to learn swimming with you too :P
Labels: Three days summarized.Yesterday's yesterday was the CSCC Cultural Outing. Our meeting place was Dhoby Ghaut, cultural's lao di fang, to buy food (a lot a lot of food). Then we went to Marina Barrage for our PICNIC. Haha, it was damn hot and scorching, but at the same time it was windy too. Such a nice place for sun-tanning, the weather was sooo fine, colour contrasting from the sky to the patch of green grasses below was damn breath-taking!
The picnic was quite random, cause after we finished our food, and the GUYS camwhoring, then we had nothing left to do. We ended up playing cards, and even play games! It was like a camp game lor! Haha. How original of us, to play ice-breaking games during picnic!
Then when we left for somewhere with shade, i got a big shock! WTH. I became even darker! And it's not the kind of bronzy tanned skin, it was blacker! T.T Then they were talking about how ugly it looks. I'd thought i reached maximum liao, cannot become darker, and the sun managed to prove me wrong! Sob.
Later on, we took train back to Dhoby Ghaut -.-. See! How shallow we were. So we had our dinner at JustAcia. Lol, the place which SheeMin brought me previously. I only ordered a drink since i spent over budget and being damn thirsty. After the dinner, we thought we were going home, the WE only involved KeQi, Fiona, Jim and me. And then they were like persuading and half-begging for us to go drinking with them. Melvin was super funny! When i say super, it meant SUPER DUPER UBER FREAKING hilarious. Haha, then ended up KeQi was convinced, then the three of us followed. Haha.
The drink place was at Instana Park. They drank, we played True/Dare (laughable but not truthful enough), they throw shoes into the water and then the four of us went back around 10pm while the rest continued. Long day.
Yesterday went to KBox with Karen & Sam. So long didn't see them lor! Then coincidentally saw JunHao in the train and he was dwelling over us enjoying while he needs to work. Haha. So anyway, we just go AMK's. We packed a lot of food before checking in. Then... overall. Karen is still Karen who sang softly and so afraid of several songs because of bad memories. Sam is still sam whose voice is so nice that will makes you tear up because she sang it so touchable.
Then me and Karen went to Mac to slack, till around 11plus and blah blah blah. Disaster after that. I didn't go home, instead stayed over at KeQi's house. Haha, she's willing to shou liu me, like a refugee sia! :(
Today, haix. Marina Barrage again haha. KeQi wanna take photos there. Got KeQi, JiaEn, PeiShan and me :D Was damn low, extremely moody and easily irritated today. The kid inside JiaEn was awake when she saw kites flying in the sky. So we bought a Sotong kite, which JiaEn named it as "Xiao Tong" Haha. Then they had great fun flying it while my mood still swinging and swinging. It was tough, to fly a kite but i think they enjoyed it very much. Then went back to Causeway to eat KFC and go home!
End of post. More pictures to be uploaded!
OMG. Tomorrow is school reopen day! SIAN. I don't like studying!! So dreaded to go back!
YueXiu demanded for me to put this in my blog. On that day at Nor's house, the two of us played a game called "20 QNs", it's kinda like true/dare but without the dare part. At first i stated that the questions must be nothing related to idols. But we still ended up digressing back to that area. And she asked me to post this. Labels: Chapalam post.To YueXiu, Kim Jae Joong from DBSK is more than an idol to her.
I realised that recently, I had been playing pool quite frequently. Haha, both swimming pool and pool. Because of sister lor! Haha, but my skill is still stuck at beginner, or maybe worst. Haix, then KQ was complaining about her hand pain, she played too much pool this week too!
Ended up accepting my fate, and stay in SPOT. Cause everything is too troublesome, and i hate troubles! If i were to grab one GEMS right, i'll either choose Psychology or Music Appreciation. But no point, because i can't take anyway. Thanks KQ for accompanying me to go school at that early bird hour, somemore it turns out a waste trip. And for taking care of me motherly when i was unwell. Haha. But it's still okay! Since i'm in the same slot with XinNi & Lionel!! :D
After the camp, i realised i'm really really passionate for SPSE. Lol. But seriously, the kind of bonds between sub-comms and all the fun we had, though most of the time we crapped, but it's so enjoyable that i wanted to go for this cca everyday. Went on Tues and thurs. Tues was for lesson and fun! But Seven and i missed the sports because we're both, so coincidentally, going for Japanese restaurant. She went Sakura and i met KQ, Taeyeon-lover and sista at Yishun for Sakae Sushi. Damn full! Haha.
Then thursday was for the publication stuff, which ended up quite a failure because Photoshop is not a one-day thing, and also the distractions. Jacky is a pig. Haha. He came in the morning and said he was full since he had breakfast at home. And the next moment, he went to get a 2-piece chicken meal! And his lunch portion is like he has been starving for few days! Haix. Anyway i had great fun in LT14B today! It was actually a Karaoke in disguise! HAHAHA, then cally, elaine and me was damn crazy during lunch lar! Kept singing and singing non-stop! They both have great voices! But glad that we listen to same genre of songs!
Today's practice was depressing. LIGHTLY ROW! But i can't even play this well T.T kill me. I'm such a failure.
Posting pictures another day.
Labels: Poker-faceI ain't putting on a poker face.
BLAH BLAH black sheep.
Today i went swimming (or you may say floating) with MC, YX and nor at nor's condo. Her house damn near YewTee MRT! We spend the whole afternoon there and left before it rains. Then after our snacks time, we went to her house. I thought it was quite beautiful~ Haha. Then we have dinner and played WII until around 7pm. Haha, i think my gaming skills is getting better! :D It was so fun today. Charlene should come, it will be better! :D
Then travelled back home and took my laptop, went to 768 Mac to look for JO. Haha! JOANNA NG PEPSI ROCKS SIA! Because she gave me Adobe Photoshop :D Haha, was damn high lar!
These days SPSE is being active in both facebook and msn. All are spamming.
Labels: ♥
Labels: Cherish you life.
Life is like a cone of Ice-cream. It melts before you know it. Cherish it while you could still enjoy it.
Felt so lazy but still- MC asked me to update so i'm here. Labels: SPSETMWGTC :D
A three days two nights camp, it was short yet it felt fulfilling and complete. The funky and enthu camp wasn't really what we sub-comms expected. Reminds me of the amount of stress Seven was having before the camp, torturous. But it seriously turns out to be, quite a success.
The night before the camp was long. I remembered there's a MSN conference and it lasted long and ended late. I only started packing my bags a few hours before i set off for camp. Janice and I reached the clubhouse a little too early, it's all my fault to meet her at 9am :P when briefing only starts at 10. Haha, so anyway both of us waited and finally when most people reported, they gave a very short brief on what we organisers should be doing. I couldn't help but felt lost and nervous then. Any circumstances could happen. And then we'll fail. It just takes that much to ruin the camp. Haix. A lot of negative thoughts popped out that time. Especially since it was the first camp that i'd participated in organising.
After most campers assembled... well, registration was honestly, quite a mess. Albeit the quantity was pathetic. Hopefully next time we'll be better. Anyway, the atmosphere was quite tense during the first few ice-breaking games. Can't blame it, since the year one campers were not familiar with any other members or seniors. We played a number of them just to make sure we get to know each other's names and sections. Then blah blah blah. The deepest impression then was Tiffany. LOL, haha since she's sitting beside me and she's like, very enthu i guess? Haha. So be honored ok!
Then we split into our groups. I was with GINA. Haha! Then the members were Tiffany, Sin Yee, Jason and Wei Qin, and Chewy later on. I thought our group name was superb. DO RE MI. It's related, short, easy to pronounce and lovely! Haha. The other groups are Niao's "Andante(spelling?)" and Xin Ni's "Crescendo(???)". See that's what i mean? Isn't our group name the best? Haha! Anyway, we started off with creating cheers, we came up with 500 cheers haha. Then lionel said he's going to add us 10000 points. LOL. So we camp up with around 5 cheers? But we end up sticking to one or two only. Gina and I were trying our best to get enthu haha. And more participation from them, hopefully it does :D
Things get better during the first event, our Amazing Race! It's a treasure hunt game in Orchard. Our group got the privilege to go first. We completed it as the first too! Haha the honor and pride! This game was tiring, my leg's muscles still hurt till now, a right pair of shoes is essential for running activities, seriously! Sin Yee was great in the Amazing Race, she has the best stamina among us haha! The question on hole digging by the annoying station master- Lionel Choong Xing Jie, was also solved by her. Haha! We, the other three girls were very CUI haha. I think Cally was highly impressed by our group's speed haha. When we went over to her station, the last one, she was still eating, BurgerKing somemore! Haha! So anyway, like what Tiffany kept on rambling on, how can our group be so ZAI? Lol :D
Back to school, Chewy joined in. We had our rest, dinner and then short games while other sub-comms were preparing for the night-walk. The games was unexpectedly well-received. Haha. We played Charades and a game which i named it "Pass the message". It was fun, seeing campers do weird actions, we were just responsible of laughing and watching :D The spirit was liften up a bit, hopefully. Then we went to LT14 for Movie-screening. It was a horror, Dead Silence. Some movie on revived dolls. The entire LT felt eerie. Only Elaine was laughing and laughing like there's no tomorrow haha! She was totally cracked up! And it was because of the movie, weird bird she is. I missed most of the movie, running some errands with Seven & ZhongHoo.
After the movie was over, we went back to clubhouse for a briefing on the night-walk. Some ghost-stories telling, then experience sharings, and until the campers were almost ready, we set off for the night-walk! The main objective of the night-walk was to find as many lightsticks of your own group's as possible. In the process, there will be Angels and Demon, helping or sabotaging your group respectively. Our group also did some performance, in order to get more rewards. So we did "Sorry sorry" and "Nobody" dance. Haha. It was cool, totally. Probably other groups might not think so, but for me, i enjoyed the whole night-walking. We had a lot of fun and laughter. And DoReMi managed to collect the most lightsticks! Round of applause :D The demons were trying to snatch away my lightsticks but they didnt know those wasn't official, those were lightsticks which i "kop" from Seven! Haha. And the night ends, for the campers. Us sub-comms had a debrief section that kept us up till 5 or 6. One of the feedbacks was that the minute wasn't detailed enough :X, sorry. It was a tired but entertaining day!
Second day, i felt all my energy drained off. I simply couldn't get myself to be high. We had breakfast, then lesson! A two-hours violin practice, cool. The time went so fast that i didn't realise two-hours were up. Jason was teaching, it was weird that our roles changed so immediately haha. Then carry on with a Auction event. We uses our lightsticks that we'd collected previously to buy auctioned items. Those items were for mascot-making purpose. Then next on was a short group discussion on what we want to do as a mascot and what is our camp-fire performance.
And then Station Games. Was short and sweet. We'd decided to go slowly, instead of rushing like the day before. But we still finished the first. Station games were very messy haha, with flour and water going on. Lionel's station was disgusting, thank god we were the first group. And luckily i wasn't in "Andante", i don't want to be in the same state as Niao. Haha, poor thing.
Then free time for discussions and preparations for the Camp-fire performance and mascots. The mood was quite low since everyone was quite tired. We went for some quick bath during the free time. And when we came back, Gina and I were totally amazed by the beautiful Juliet casted by Chewy! Haha, sh-- he's seriously chiobu! With a feminine-figure, ignore the glasses, and fake boobs which were saggy. Haha, if MengJian's were R21, Chewy's were D24! :D
So the Campfire night was quite short since we only had 3 groups. Our group did a performance on Taylor Swift's Love Story, featuring Jason, the guitarist. It's a theme on memories and Sin Yee suggested that we do like a memory in the musical box. Then since our mascot was so successful, we decided to make him to be the Juliet and Wei Qin as the Romeo! Haha, they will then act and dance to the lyrics~ Haha, it was really entertaining! The whole campfire was about laughing at Chewy.
Then second day night, a number of campers went home. We played Charades in the Dance Studio later in the night. It was fun though we were already quite tired. All those songs and movies were damn difficult, and mostly i didn't even heard of it before! That bad. Haha. Then had a good sleep that night. Beside Niao who still lives in her "mattress era" haha!
Third day, went for a breakfast at Mac. I was the second slowest to finish my food. Seven was worst than me :P Then rest for a little and then proceed for our tradition game. The captain's ball. FUN! Damn hilarious to see Niao and XinNi in the same position when the ball was throw towards them haha! Though i'm damn bad in sports, but i still have zillion lots of fun. LOVE IT! :D And that calls for an end to the 3days 2nights The More We Get Together Camp!
After clearing up, we went for a lunch and sat there for a long time just to talk. I think we'd really bonded well, at least most of us! For example, I get to know GINA better! Haha, the forever glamorous TaiTai. XinNi, talks with active facial expressions! Elaine, will be known as the Niao from now on, don't drink coffee. Jacky, sprout nonsense in the midnight. *Actually every moment* Janice, don't like to sleep with me T.T Xin Yee, spoiler in the photos. Lionel, shall be labelled as annoying. Jia Hui, loves Zhang Xin Zhe hahaha. ZhongHoo, don't really wanna know about him hahaha! Joking. Twins: HAHAHA, i can recognise them individually :D so proud of myself! Cally, lame lame lame lame lame lame lame haha. Susan, looks like a alumni!! Haha, she looks damn mature. Kim, went back first! Haha, very efficient. Seven, unbeatable mushroom :D
That's all. Anticipating for the next outing! :D
Here is an AA announcement. Labels: AAWhy didn't you all tag if you'd read my blog?