Wah. Back. Lol, i just missed the Taboo's preview twice to catch the detail on when will it be showing. No fate. Labels: Quiz quiz quiz.
I think i might die because of too much chinese virus attacking my brain. Well, a bad way to die. Nevermind, today i had too much of it, talking about it again will make me vomit. But we had a great time rushing back slowly for our Chi**** remedial, and the time in Admiralty after Chi**** remedial. Haha, the word was censored!!
Time for quiz. Helen said it's lame and i totally agreed with her. This is definitely the lamemest quiz yet the easiest to answer quiz. Lol
Starting time:
Tang Jie- Gates. *My father's surname, whatever.*
YES. Irritating one. Haha, and recently had her hairstyle changed to Bob's head. Retribution for always irritating me.
One. Troublesome one.
Shoe size:
I don't know. For school shoe, it's : 40.
What are you wearing right now?
white shirt and random pair of shorts. *Exactly the same as Helen's, OMG... Feeling so creepy now.*
Where do you live?
WOODLANDS!!! *Quoted from her's*
Favorite Number:
8 and 2. I prefer even numbers to odd. And note, that's my birthday date's numerical forms.
Favorite Drinks:
Eh, i like ice-plain-nice-natural-clean water.
Favorite Months:
No special, not August though, cause that's when the gate of the hell was opened. Ewww.
Favorite Breakfast:
Anything nice, i'm not as picky when it comes to food.
***********Have You Ever***********
Been in a hot tub:
At home... hot container got before. Haha, my father is being cheap-skate.
Swam in the ocean:
Ya. And almost drown. Lol.
Fallen asleep in school:
Of course, even those with extremely stong will, will. And i'm proud to announce, it's definitely more than once!
Fell off your chair:
Haha, ya... but can't remember, only can recall those scene which people fell because i pull their chairs away. A good example is Jeannie haha, during Maths lesson in Sec 1!!!
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call:
No. It's just too easy for me to fall asleep. No one lor, i will just freak out if someone call me in the night... Gosh.
Saved e-mails:
Been cheated on:
Yes, those *Good* friends lor, and i can name a handfull of them, like TEO BIRDNEST, CHUA AH-MA, TEO FIFTY-CENT-SIZE-DEEP DIMPLE blah blah blah. But can't blame them, cause it's directly proportional between the ratio of i kanna cheat and i cheat others.
***********What is************
Whats right beside you?
TV. Not too happy as the stupid brother wanted to watch that horror movie so much!!!
What is the last thing you ate?
A few drop of shampoo that accidentally...
----------Ever Had----------
Chicken pox: Never sure... thanks to my always caring mother.
Sore throat: Thats the last thing i wanna get for the entire of my life, yet always the first to come.
Stitches: Don't remember.
Broken nose: I break your's first lar.
----------Do You------------------
Believe in love at first sight? No. That's just obsession.
Like picnics? Not bad, provided the weather doesn't do anything mischievous.
Who last made you smile?
My sister, she fell right down on her butt.
Who did you last yell at?
My brother, who insist on watching that stupid Korean Horror Movie. WTF.
----------Final Questions-------------
What are you listening to right now?
The woooooo hoooooo sound coming from the TV. Then comes a "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". Lol.
What did you do today?
Firstly, i breathe in then exhale.
Hate someone in your family?
YES, and it's definitely someone(sss)
Good singer?
Of course just look at me. Lol, just kidding, i know your computer screen must be cracking when scan through this.
Diamond or pearl?
Money, cause lazy to go and pawn or sell away those... just give me money directly thanks.
Are you the oldest?
duh! suay... *101% agrees with her, nono... 102%*
Indoors or outdoors?
Well, places with no doors the best. LOL.
------------Today did you--------------
Talk to someone you love?
My mum not at home...
Kiss anyone?
Kiss anyFOOD?? Hehe.
Get sick?
Ya, sick over Helen's act cuteness and others.
Talked to an ex:
My sister lor, the EX-victim that kanna shouted by me.
Eat Dinner:
Ya, and it takes me Four hours to get out of my toilet.
------Last person who---------
You talked to on the phone?
Real Ah-Bu. Requesting for something. Lol, haha.
Have a crush on someone?
ME, when?? Helen you wanna be CRUSHED by me is it? Well, if only if Yamapi is counted.
What books are you reading rightnow?
Latest issue of E-POP.
Best feelings in the world:
When digestive system is as good as today. Haha.
Do u sleep with stuffed animals?
No, but i will stuff my sister with her bolster.
What's under your bed?
My-Stupid-Sister's rubbish. Whenever she's lazy to reach for the dustbin, she'll just dump it there.
Favorite locations:
Toilet. Lol, infront of this computer and bed. All at home.
Danced a slow dance with someone you didn't even like?
No, slow dance will result to slow leg detriment.
Who do you really hate?
My mum who just bought CELERY back. I hate Mr Chng etc.
You lonely right now?
No, my parents are nudging me... Argh!!
What time is it now?
I don't care whether you have already being tagged by others. Haha, must put my name too. Wooh.
Signing Off;
Accept my attack.
Oh-my. It's four more days to Mother-Tongue O'Level, we all suddenly developed the affection towards Mother Tongue. MSN nick such like "I Love Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil or whatever" Lol. It's good to realise thats the textbooks are so adorable *LOL*, but definitely not three days before. Haha, i'm warning you all as well as myself. Labels: Lame post.
Haix, sometimes i really feel like slapping a particular HOD bitch, and dip her ass in the 1200 degree celcius lava. Lol, getting more and more vulgar. Blah blah blah, feel like sleeping.
Signing Off;
One traack mind.
Du du bi du bi du ba. Lol... Haha, here i am. Labels: Great motivation strucked.
I'm seriously going crazy because of the intensive mother tongue remedial; it's damn boring. Lol. Luckily we had moved from the microwave to Tech-Hub, otherwise we will be chao-da now.
Gosh, Mother tongue O'Level is just 5 days away. I can't imagine what will be happening on that day.
Just now Kelly talk to me in MSN and guess what, she was typing chinese characters. LOL, so funny. Deceleration happens.
Heard a good news from Karen Lee and Samantha Chua, these two on-off cha bor. Wooh, finally one good news. I'll be looking forward to that particular day, thats my current motivation. Lol. And the wedding dinner is DAMN lame, i have to comment about it. Seriously.
Lastly before signing off, well. There's a quiz for everyone.
18 + 81 = ?6
6 x 6 = 1?
Fill in the blanks (?). Lol, those who knew the answer, answer it in the tag board. Those i revealed the answers to, please shhhhhhhh, shut up.
Signing Off;
Real eyes realise real lies.
While the government is trying to show that it can handle the crisis on its own, ahead of a referendum on the constitution, the international community is clamouring for more access to the military-ruled country, in order to help the victims and carry out relief operations. The following are some of the organizations and aid agencies involved in the Myanmar relief effort. If you would like to help, please view their websites to find out how you can participate. Please note that these links lead to third party sites that are not operated by Yahoo!. Their contents and activities may be subject to foreign laws that are different from the laws governing this Yahoo! property or the Yahoo! property from which you came. As such third party sites are outside the control of Yahoo!, Yahoo! neither accepts nor assumes any responsibility for their content or activities. DBS i-Banking Cheque AXS Stations Donate by Cheque Donate by Cash Donate by Cash Donate via Internet Banking For more information, click here Donate by ATM Fund Transfer For more information, click here Labels: Aid Myanmar.
On 2 May 2008, Cyclone Nargis battered southern Myanmar, causing massive destruction. To date, 22,000 people have perished, over 41,000 are missing and as many as 1 million people have been left homeless. The Irrawaddy region took the brunt of the storm, with some villages almost totally eradicated and vast rice-growing areas wiped out. The storm uprooted trees, toppled electricity and telephone poles, and burst water pipes, leaving the several million without basic utilities. International aid is starting to trickle in, led by the U.N.'s World Food Program. Singapore Red Cross
Donate via DBS/POSB ATM Fund Transfer
Select "More Services", select "Credit Card/Bill Payment".
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Members of the public can donate at all AXS stations islandwide International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
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The Salvation Army
Myanmar Cyclone Disaster Relief
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15 May will have our signature kettle pots at various shopping malls across Singapore from 11am till 9pm.
There will also be a donation box at every Starbucks Store (Singapore) from 15 May till 22 May.
A donation box will be placed at our headquarters from now till 11 June. Our operating hours are from 8.30am � 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.
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Signing Off;
Please help them.
Tagged by KELLY HONG woof. Lol, done around 3 quiz for this month. Isn't this month suppose to be a chiong-ing month? Haha, lol. BTW, everyone please later read my previous post. I really type that with DAMN lots of emotions. Labels: Another quiz.
1) Do you wish to get married?
If i can find then anything lor. LOL, depends.
2) What do you want the most now?
Hardworking cells to start functioning and multiply please.
3) What would you like to eat?
Whoo, finally ask me this. LOL, damn lots to list. LOL, firstly, mum's cooking really nice, sharkfin-soup *PM Brand*, Sushi, Stall Four Aunty's noodles *LOL, ADSS de*, Takoyaki, Seafood *Exclude fish and abalone*, Meat, Rice, Spagetti, Fastfood, OH GOSH, seriously wanna name all ar? Nvm, its enough.
4) What is the thing you want if you have the power to create miracle?
WAHAHA, everything. Lol.
5) Do you think you have enough confidence?
Again this question. Skip.
6) Are you satisfied with yourself?
Hmm, maybe lor, sometimes yes sometimes no.
7) What are you afraid to lose now?
My limps, my brain, my money, my assets, my family and friends, in short. EVERYTHING.
8) Do you believe in eternity love?
No, please lar. Everyone will die eventually. Even though i've been in NJRC Eternity Group for 2 years.
9) What do you do when you feel hurt?
Poke others. Lol, hmmm. Eat bah.
10) Who do you want to see right now?
Bill Gates, and he say that he's going to give me his entire assets. Wahaha. Seriously. I will say I DO!!
11) What is the best thing that ever happened in your life?
You're reading my blog post.
12) Why is it difficult to let go of someone you love?
Cause something ties both of you together. Haha.
13) Will you be moody, sad or ring up your friend?
LOL, Kelly de answer. Box her. Haha, i will press the bell of their home.
14) What do you regret most in your life?
Don't know, DAMN lot of things.
15) Do you treasure your family?
16) Are you satisfied with your life now?
Yes only if my mum cook nicer food, someone ask me out for K. LOL.
17) If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
Ya, i wanna bring my brain to Primary school and become the top student haha, then after that went into Special stream LOL.
18) Ever had a near death experience?
Fell to the ground when i'm sleeping. Count?
19) Have you ever walked in the rain?
Ya... no choice cause Umbrella always spoilling.
20) Have you ever loved someone so much, that you would want to give up everything just for him/her?
Give up what first?
Tagged : SheeMin, KeQi, Samantha, Roy, Amyrah, Only manage to get 5 possible names.
Signing Off;
Read the lies between the lines.
Now is around 2.30 a.m. Don't think will be sleeping tonight; cause don't dare to walk from the living room to my room... so scared. Since it's quite quiet around me; makes me feel so emotional suddenly. Labels: Unfortunates.
The images and news about those countries affected by the natural disasters still didn't manage to get out of my mind. No matter how hard i'm shaking my head.
Life; so unpredictable. What's gonna happen tomorrow or even next second; who knows? Typhoons, cyclone or whatever in Myanmar and America. Earthquakes occur in China. Which country's next?
Are we afraid? Dying because of natural disaster struck on us? But wasn't most of these caused by humans? It's sad to see others losing their families; but what can we do... Climate change; changing every victim's life, future. No more love and warmth from those dead bodies, they can't talk; can't move; can't even shed their last tear. Those who were fortunate enough managed to escape with just minor injuries. Or some disfigured; broken limps. How are they going to survive? Isn't this just as torturing or more perhaps.
Maybe while i'm typing this out... while you all are sleeping soundly on your comfortable bed, someone being trapped in the crashed buildings lost their hope and decided to give up on breathing. It's just too painful for them, imagine yourself in their shoes.
Why them? They must be thinking...
I remember seeing this toddler on the News whose parents and relative had mostly passed away because of the Earthquake. She's equivalent to a half-orphan now. She's just around 4 years old.
Who can she depend on?
At the age of four; you realise you lost everything... when you're about to look at this world with a clearer mind, you realise that no one's there to act as your telescope. You're going to live until around 70... 66 years of life without the accompany of your real family members, those who really, sincerely accept you as part of them no matter what. Perhaps spending 66 years in the orphanage or with some strangers. And yet we're complaining the ten-education years are unbearable, even when we're loved by our family, friends and even teachers.
The girl will be sent to an orphanage... some of her family members or relatives are yet found. She's the only survivor; or; found still alive in her family...
She must be wondering... who is bringing me home? And please realise that she's not the only child in this state.
While typing this, tears are forming on my eyes.
To be honest, i've yet donate a single cent or any items to the affected areas. It's true that every small effort put in, when in a large... it will be very helpful. So everyone please donate money to Myanmar or China... They need aid. And please reduce polutions or whatever that will do great harm to our earth, it will reduce the rate of climate changing.
Signing Off;
And yet i switch on my computer till now, contradictions again.
Today woke up at 11:30 p.m. Actually was 11; but every move out of my bed takes me 10 mins. Lol. Labels: Birdnest post.
After that went to Mac; met Helen first. Both of us wore the same jersey. Fook. Such a haha no lar. Today was suppose for me to start my revision for disgraceChinese. But hor; seriously; when i saw the first chinese word, my mind was like going to buy a ticket and take a bus back to my house and rest on my bed. Long trip yea. Lol. Its damn sian lor. Facing the damn boring Chinese. I only manage to focus for around 20 minutes; then the remaining time till 3 p.m; i spent my time drawing, looking around, crapping and breathing.
Drawing is really fun. Haha; today have much inspirations. Then drew something very cute haha. Witnesses: Helen; WeiYi and JiaEn the birdnest. Haha; haix... but i sure have no talent in art... no matter how much i love it. This is reality... haix; but i really find drawing very cool. Guys; pick up drawing skills; will make you all look more attractive. LOL. Originally wanna post the pictures taken today up de but the problem is TOOOO lazy.
After JiaEn came; she really brought the atmosphere up. Haha; with her craps; and destroyed the studying mood. Eventually i didn't have any. Her brother = Vanness; she's Vannessa. Yet neverBirdness *Pronounce it as Bird Nest* haha; its damn funny and i took a video of Helen after she heard that; it's like she's having a mensuration cramp or what-so-ever. Haha.
Then another day was wasted for slacking. Well; if you exclude the 20 minutes of fake-focus.
Signing Off;
Seven pathetic days before Mother-Tongue O'Level.
Tagged by Kelly; addicted to all those quiz haha. Labels: Quiz; tagged by Kelly.
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. *Too lazy to change any*
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people. *I swear i wouldn't; so it seems that the chain always stop here.*
#1 If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be ?
Betray him back lor.
#2 Feeling right now.
*If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be? is the previous question; changed as i'd answered a question similar to this before.*
#3 What will your dream wedding be like?
In the space. Without oxygen tank; thats the best. I enjoy stop breathing; nah joking.
#4 Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
Totally yes. Anyone show me a map to the future please.
#5 What's your ideal lover like?
Kelly's answer was Dylan; so mine will be YamaPi!!
#6 Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Being loved by someone. Too lazy to love someone; very troublesome.
#7 How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
I don't think i will wait lor; i'll NEVER approach in the first place.
#8 If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do? Wait for him/her to break up?
Of course not; stupid people does. I will still live my own life. BTW; i like Kelly's answer. Nice one.
#9 Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Yes. When i need to finish up my food but i'm too lazy to chew and swallow. Lol.
#10 What do you want most in life?
Don't know; but for this moment; i need a toilet bowl... stomach pain. ><
#11 What had you dreamt last night.
Pai Seh; just anyhow write one question. I dreamt that i were in Sakae; then don't know why become one of the sushi on the plate. =.= Weird dream. Btw; the original question was "Is being tagged fun?"
#12 How do you see yourself in ten years time?
Sleeping. Now is already midnight; i must be sleeping cause maybe waking up early the next morning bah. Lol. No lar, hmmm. I wanted to be able to speak fluent Japanese and French; then had already visited those ideal countries. Then have a stable and high-pay job as my studies result was really damn good. Then my mother and father still very loving. Siblings not yet being strangle to death by me. Then have damn lot of good friends; lifes' really good. *Yea; keep on dreaming girl*
#13 Who is currently the most important person to you?
The most important? Now? Only one; well then its my sister. Later, if she's not there sleeping beside me; i might have a difficult time coaxing myself into sleep.
#14 What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Hong. She's an animal haha. Jk; well emotional lor. Haha; but crazy sometimes, often when i'm not.
#15 Would you rather be single&rich or married but poor?
Single and rich. The ratio of the importance of this 2 factors is 1(marriage):10(money) respectively.
#16 What's the first thing you do every morning?
Open my eyes. Start breathing. As if i didn't for the whole night.
#17 Would you give all in a relationship?
Don't know; if the him were YamaPi then well okay. Hehe.
#18 If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
YamaPi and hmmm... choosing over YaLun; Ryo; Jin or Tegoshi. LOL... biggest LOL.
#19 What type of friends do you like?
I like ar. Those who take few bags of cash and press the bell of my house. Lame lar; i like friends who i enjoy their accompany; have fun and even if both of us are not talking; thats fine.
#20 If you played a prank on someone, & he/she fell for the trick, what would you do?
Continue to play lor; it's rare to find a big real baka for you to play prank on.
Victims: KeQi; SheeMin; Helen; WeiYi; Helen; Roy; JiaEn and you. Anyone saw this just do lar. Write there tagged by TangJie. And the given names, i didn't note whether you're already being tagged or not leh, if yes; just ignore this. Lol.
Signing Off;
Snatching the TV remote with my father is stupid. But i am.
Labels: Today lor.Gonna work hard; starting from tomorrow. Lol. It's O' level afterall. Even when I should have no problem in Mother Tongue. Went to the Maths Olympiad training today; early at 9. Today was the last training we had before the competition. Haha, Mr Chong was so funny; WeiYi said he answered the phone using Japanese;*Even though we should not be so Kay-Po; i mean SHE should not be so Kay-Po.* well... envy that he's capable of doing so. Glad that today i still can answer and understand some of the questions, but is just that few lor.
Then after that went to 768 and had our lunch. Met my sister there; coincidentally. Lol; so funny lor. She said she was going to have lunch with her friends and teacher at the foodcourt; in the end... she lost track of them, i mean... they lost track of her. Then she walk and walk then saw me. ~!!! Lol. Haix, no choice... bring her along with me. Then we ate until very full. Full dao~~ My sister is soooooo troublesome!! Next time i gonna ignore her even when she "found" me.
I took this using Helen's camera on 07/07/07; hehe... i thought of this idea de; drew a heart on the sand and wait for seawater to wash it away... nice hor. Lol; then went to edit it. Well; not much effort on it. I wonder if you all can see the animation.
This was found in ShuHua's blog; lol. Its quite amazing cause it look as if our names were named just for the sake of this word puzzle. It's really nice.
Signing Off;
No one is able to return to the past; neither you nor i.
Tagged by Helen. Lol... don't really know what the toot she was talking about in the whatever remove question and add your own thingy. Well. I'll try to list down 8 and try to make an effort to go to their blog and try to tag. Lol. And she mentions: "whoever does the tag will have blessings from all people . ;D" Extracted from her blog. Labels: Quiz. Love doing it;
1) What will i be focused on most of the time ?
Focus. Lol, don't know. If i have the mood i will be focus. Maybe staring at my idols.
2) What do you want the most now ?
Adobe Photoshop; Aiya... money. With money; everything sounds so easily achieved.
3) Who is the person you trust most ?
Family; close friends.
4) Do you think you have enough confidence ?
5) Do you want to score well in all your test ?
Stupid question. Refuse to answer.
) Do you believe seeing a rainbow after the rain ?
No. Raining days make my life miserable; only believe that there's harvest for crops after rain. = More food.
7) What is your goal for this year ?
Japan Trip *Long term lar*; Acceptable/great O'level results.
8) 5 things i like the most? *My answers are weird*
Learning new things.
The moment when wishes come true.
My assets.
Family and close friends.
9) What feeling do you like the most?
Don't know. Probably no feelings is the best for me. I'm lazy to have feelings at this moment. Feeling tired... oOps.
10) What are the requirements that you wish from your other half ?
Not going to list the whole list like Helen cause i knew even if you found one; they might now even look once at you. Hmmm, i wonder will i have one in my lifetime, if i have, i think its all about feelings, not requirements that judge them as one.
11) What feeling do you hate most ?
Don't know or too many to be list. Maybe family members dying.
12) Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
When they're worth cherishing.
13) Do you believe in true love ?
14) What do you think is most important of your life ?
15) Who do you hope to be always there for you ?
One that accept comfortable silence. But if someone really care for you; they will always be there what; why you need to wish they were there; if there's a need, then that means that person is someone you're afraid they are not there when you need them. Lol; am i right??
16) Who is your bestfriend ?
Quite a lot being so friendly and nice. Well, stop my BHB-ness. KeQi, JiaEn, Helen, SheeMin, WeiYi, D.D, newly-found pig and a lot more. If i didn't mention your name here, but you're one of them that i always hang around and joke with, meaning i regard you as one.
17) Who cares for you the most ?
Of course my family members, and close friends.
18) Do you want that special someone of yours to be by your side now ?
Who? I don't need any spirit around me, it will freak me out.
19) Who makes you smile when you are down ?
Don't know; see who's the most silly one lor.
20) If god allowed you to have one and only wish, and its definItely going to be fulfilled, what will it be ?
All my wish will come true.
Pass this on to: Those who had saw this post. Yes, its you, no doubt. Please just do it! And put there : "invited by TangJie" Thanks, i'll be glad. *I know i've failed to accomplish the 3 things i'm going to try*
Signing Off;
Jump down please.
Yo. Vitagens are good. Lol. Haha, please stuff me with the medicine *which is for mental illness de* Lol. Gotten back all our results today, i mean for mid-year. Hmm, didn't appear as worst as what i'd imagined; but still deprovings shown. I shall not reveal my results since i don't want to be smack tomorrow when i reached school; you know... Mrs Luo and DumbDoraemon always like to hit me when i'm cocky. Lol. Labels: Long Long Long.
Many things happened last few days lor... Mother's Day preparation; Mother's Day celebration; Sakae trip; Health Screening etc.
Mother's Day preparation.
Well, the seven of us went to bake cakes for our mother. Lol, weird combination... sound like seven little dwarfs. Spent the whole evening and night for these few cakes... we went to buy our ingredients, the four of us, KeQi, PeiLian and Samantha... and ME. ><; spent quite a bit; more than a bit actually. Then we took a cab to Roy's house. Set up many things until this two FNN students arrived after their FNN O'level. Then after some failures *I need to emphasis... it wasn't me who caused it.*, finally after like ages, our first successful cake base was done. Lol. Haix, by the way... i'm in charge of the chocolate cake's mixture; assisstant: PeiLian. NO LAR haha... but standing beside her for the few hours made me very uncomfortable... she keep harrassing me. *Sob* NO LAR; cause she very tall then i felt pressurized. Lol. Haha, we now very pro in making the mixture... haha; right? *Imagining PeiLian nodding her head vigorously Lol.* Next. We actually spent that long to bake 7 cakes... wow. Until around 1am. Then went home lor... is it like too summarize?
This happened on the actual itself. Hmm; we actually celebrated Mother's Day on 11/05/2008; 12 midnight. Well... thats Mr Neo's birthday too. Haix; ate the whole piece of cake; Chocolate Cake by the way. I think that the cake was actually okay okay only, or is it because i hated it? Well, my parents said it was great. I bet it's because that was the first cake i'd baked... well; if i were to bake a pile of shit; they might say that's delicious too. Haha. Back. I went to Causeway to buy Mother's Day present; bought a necklace and a calculator. Failed to have a suitable notebook but a necklace instead. Lol.
Sakae Trip.
Wooh; i'm getting excited over the sight of sushi forming in my head still have cravings for it even though i had enough of them on that day. There were nine of us going to Sakae on that day. Too long to list. Damn delicious... the sushis, even though if the Sashimi was bad; Lobster Salad sushi was too hmmm; octopus thingy was too salty... am i contradicting myself? Haha. But its really expensive! GST was reasonable but the service charge was... $10+ when one were looking us down just because we are students. Haix.
Health Screening and others.
Had health screening today, my left eye sight is terrible. At first thought need to check my backbone but in the end; was a false alarm; i very nervous lor when i thought i need. I was like WTF, there indicate NEGATIVE as the result... in the end was because i missed one injection. Haha... almost pee. Lol.
Yesterday accompanied JiaEn and KeQi to cut their hair(s). Went to 888; perfect cut to be specific. Both of them were so funny lor. JiaEn was crapping away with the hair-stylist... in fact; both were shooting each other for the whole 20 minutes process. Left Helen and me dumbfounded. If i were the hair-stylist; i will sure use a masking tape or stapler or any alternative to keep her mouth shut. Lol. Then KeQi another one. At first she have no idea what kind of hairstyle she wanted; of course; i'm such a helpful friend helped her to think of suitable hairstyle. Haha; when she ended up falling asleep on the chair while the hair-stylist was cutting her hair; she managed to grab our attention from JiaEn's bickering to her; and result to 2, no; 3 jaw-dropped girls staring at her.
I think i'm over-long-winded. Thats all... byebye. *Shall post pictures next time*
Signing Off;
Vitagens are really good.
I wanted to sleep early. Thats my short term target for the past two days... but in the end things kept cropping up and stop me from achieving it. Stupid; i getting very fed up this moment, can be seriously annoyed for stupid little things. Bad tempered now. Grrrrr. Labels: Angry.
Originally wanted to blog down all the events that happened during last weekend; but now i think i could only do that when i'm free enough and have that mood. SiBei frustrated. ><.
Signing Off;
My words now are like bullets; they kills.
Konnichiwa. I failed to post yesterday; well... getting very anxious over today's result. Yesterday was the Marking Day! Wooh, we're relaxing while teachers were working; though the buffet was provided for them while they suffer. Why? I also request for buffets on our exam periods; lol. Went out yesterday with KeQi; JiaEn and Helen. Lol; first thing first; was to collect my handphone. Finally! I think if i reach one second later, my handphone will rot. But one thing that i could remember the clearest was that i leaded the way to Wisma's Isetan to that particular Sony Ericsson outlet, that was so proud man. Labels: Another long post.
Then afterwards was to Kinokuniya; we love there lots. I finally decided to bought a Japanese Magazine... well; after several trips there; but it only cost $6.40; lols, considering its one that'd travelled oversea to Singapore. Haha; cover featuring NewS; haha and there's Hana Yori Dango information inside... so happy! i was thinking of buying Maki's pictorial book which was so coincidentally picked out by Helen who doesn't have a single idea who she was. But that cost me $5o and i can say bye bye to my lunch if i did bought one. Lol; last thing in Kino was Helen getting horny over the Japanese language book which includes sex. She is easily-hornied *Is there such a word? Haha*
Then cause KeQi wanna do big business; so we waited out the girls toilet; took a photo of the light bulb outside; being too bored. Then i think Helen copy me lor; i took that photo first then she followed on. Lol.
After that was to Far East... so far. Lol. At first was KeQi who suggested to go there and look for normal T-Shirts for herself, end up only me bought something... a bottle of water. Haha. Then to Dhoby Ghaut; went there to shop for things for JiaEn and Helen's FNN practical stuff... from SpotLight to Daiso... until our legs really cannot manage it; then we all went to KFC to find a seat to let our legs rest as well as to settle our meal... lol.
When i reach home it was like around 7 plus bah. We went out so long as if that the next day were also a holiday. Then blah blah blah.
Then carry on with today. The horoscope book predicts that Leo today will have good luck and mood; in the end, it was like totally opposite. Morning; I had a serious stomach pain, then almost like going to faint. Then later kanna scolded by a stranger cause i accidentally blocked his way. Haix... POA was fine; but i'm sure my class test will pull it down. Maths was a disaster, but still a B3, lol. Physics, Social studies and Geography was okay but English was DAMN disappointing. Sad; failed my paper 2. Hope i could pass overall well. But this time English was quite badly scored by the whole 4Express; only few pass paper 2. Haha; gotten my mother tongue score by pestering Mrs Tan; we went into the Staffroom and manage to see our scores; haha.
Haix... so sian. I'm off for Vww le. Haha... bye.
Signing Off;
Once you label me you negate me.
Yo, finally comes the end of the mid year exams~ Love it man. The feeling of being released from the cage. Haha, finally saw the sunlight. LOL. Labels: Long day
Did anyone realised that i've removed my blog songs? Haha, cause find my blog a little lag, in terms of typing the tags. Or is it just my own computer's fault. Haha, paiseh. I'll put another up as soon as i have the mood of doing so. Haha. I swear no rock music like Weiyi's blog, i don't want to land myself in a state of being sue cause someone click my blog link and suffers a heart attack haha. Joking, being lame again.
Today's paper finish at 8.50 am, then went to have breakfast in Mac, haha. Then reach home around 10 am. Nobody at home. Haix, if my mum at home, she'll sure ask whether did i skip school, lol.
After two hours of slacking. I went to Causeway to meet with Ms Sum, Jess, Sam and Keqi. We went Pizza Heart to have our meal, another heavy one after my breakfast in Mac which was just around 3 hours ago. Order Chicken Neapolitan, not sure whether is it this. Lol, then damn full lor. Tu Po! Haha, Jessica keep emphasis this. Then we sat there for around 2 hours to chat, sit until my butt very pain. Cries, lol.
Not bad, today some became very efficient haha, i mean, in deciding things. Sam and me was watching the screen in MJ, its like we only watch for few minutes and the few behind us had decided to go and catch a movie. Wow, Akira shock. I didn't know whats going on until i reach the cinema, haha. We watched Hansel and Gretel, lol. Thought should be something light. Haha. Then in the end, we went in without realising its a Horror and somemore we don't know its Korean movie. Haha. Well, i should say... hm. I think i only covered my eyes for around few minutes *proud*.
Its actually ok, not as horrible as many others, especially when its a horror, for me... its acceptable. Ending quite touching, haix... i can't work out any critism when it comes to show related to 1950s or the past... it really will freak me out. Dont know why. Well, the only thing i recommend this movie is that it really shows that children need special care and concern of others, especially when the three plead the guy to stay with them. They need love from him, isn't it? Haix...
Mother's Day arriving~!! Its on this sunday if informations from Keqi is not wrong. Show your love to your mum! She's really someone noble. Haha, lets discuss. What will you guys buy for your mother? For me, i will buy a calculator and a very big and appropriate notebook for her. Haha, planned. Cause hor, her business in lottery like very big lor. Not because she opened that kind of shop that everyone will line up and buy their 4-Ds, TOTO... haha. But hor, its still related. She like need to record down many things and predict whats the next lucky number; gosh... thats how devoted she is... towards lottery. Calculator for her to calculate her total amount of money invested in that!! Haix... its okay, if she hits the lottery, we can go out and have a feast. Haha.
Thats all for today, yea... its long. Cause too much things happening today. By the way, spend your holiday tomorrow meaningful-ly. Haha, i'll wake up at 6 plus and laugh hard at my brother and sister then go back to sleep tomorrow morning. Lol.
Signing Off;
Education is what you get when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't.
Yoyo. Just came back from my POA test. Left last paper le~ yahoo! Heard from Mr Thoo that my Physics got A, haha, so happy. After POA test, saw Helen and JiaEn going back home... lol. Then we went to eat and blah blah blah; just more and more of things to make me unhappy. Lol, nevermind. I'm gonna post the 10 weird things about me. Well, it might take me a long time to type this out, i'm gonna do a survey... haha. Labels: 10 Weird things about me.
1. Contradictory.
Yea, just take a look at my personality, i shall say, its a totally reverse one. Haha, lol. Is it weird?
2. C-hater.
Haha, whats this. Actually i'm exaggerating cause i only hate things like Chocolates and Celery.
3. I love Garlic chilli and mayonnaise.
Lol, i'll sure ask for 4 packets of G.C and 2 packets of Mayo then haha, mixed it with the help of one french fries if i'm in Mac.Haha. Lol!!
4. Morning Temper.
Haha, easily lose my temper in the morning, lol. Weird mah?
5. Difficult to interact with boys.
But i'm not les!! Haha, dont ask me why i can't interact with them well. Lol, i think James exceptional. Lol haha, no offence.
6. Capable of consuming extreme sour things.
Like vinegar, try drinking that, delicious~ I love sour things from the moment i can eat. lol
7. Shit immediately after i eat.
Haha. I have a straight digestive system, not because of SHORT k. My mum ask why isn't it be otherwise, if its the case, i can save a lot of money buying food,. Get the point? Haha, is something disgusting.
8. Totally obsessed by idols.
Lol, i'm a crazy fan. Lame. *Really can't think of more*
9. I like to save pictures into my computer.
Haha, i think i'd saved at least a billion files of them liao; regradless of idols, scenery or whatever, no porns. Haha... if only they were converted into money...
10. I love to tell COLD jokes.
Haha, almost all who know me had being caught by me half way when i suddenly thought of one. Lol, so guys, be careful... those are really cold ones. *Environmental-friendly ones, help to slow down the rate of galciers melting. Oops, did i just...*
Thats all; dedicate this quiz for people who haven done it yet. LOL, i seems to break the chain.
Signing Off;
Love can bake no bread.
How. Labels: Emo post.
Life becoming more and more unpredictable.
Things doesn't happen as what you hope it to be.
People changing.
I need more energy...
Signing Off;
I need someone to depend on. Who's out there?
Long time no update. Haix; due to this person's STM-ness, i really could not recall any special incident happened during this period. Haha; All i can remember; is exams, exams, and exams, anything else; nothing is. Sob. Labels: 04.05.2008
I'm going to flunk my Mid-Year-Exam. Haix; especially for Maths. Waaaa, i blank 35 marks over 100! Sure die lar. Kill me. Who ask the duration for the paper was that long that makes me thought that its more than enough for. Who ask the correction tape to be so cheap that they sold one for one dollar. Who ask the blank given was that cramp that i need to spend my half an hour undoing my workings. Who ask WeiYi to pass her osoi-ness to me. Haha; joking lar, but who else than myself to blame. Haix.
As for POA and science, i can't predict. What if the teachers suddenly found their conscience in the lost and found box. Haha; joking and that's near impossible. Stop dreaming; study is the only way out.
Salt and vinegar flavor of blah blah brand is damn nice. Haha; cause i found one packet under the table. The worst place ever to found your food. I seriously suspect the ant troops had shift it there!
I hate exams! But i hate life more. I getting negative now again.
Signing Off;
Analysing, doesn't work for friendship...